Wash it before using it

We like to look at things that are pleasant to see. However, do you know that some items and clothing need to be washed before being used? 

Pasta, sugar, flour and oil in transparent containers and bottles are so beautiful to look at. We see them everywhere - on Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram - nicely stored on shelves in the kitchen. Do you know that a majority of people don't wash them after their purchase?  

Why it's worth washing them

First of all, these items and clothes come from warehouses where they are badly stored and some are even open. It is usually dark and full of dust inside those storages. This means that insects and invisible bacteria are probably hidden in those pieces.

Images from Pinterest

In the kitchen 

Plates, glasses, cutlery, containers, bowls, and bottles:

If you don't wash them, here's what’s going to happen: you buy your container, take it home and immediately start putting your food in it. You are probably going to eat bacteria without realising it, and who knows, maybe some of them can be harmful. Indeed, some bacteria are good for the immune system but others are not. Dishwasher or not you have no excuse - use your hands!

Fruit and vegetables:

Stop thinking that they are clean when you buy them from the supermarket. Indeed, all fresh fruit and vegetables should be washed carefully with water, even if there are no signs of dirt. This removes dust, germs and pesticide residues. Rinsing them will prevent contamination and food poisoning because most germs live on the surface of fruit and vegetables. 

Images by @ivskaya & @michael_paniccia

In the closet 

A retail therapy is always good for anyone! We are always excited when it's time to wear our new clothes. This happiness makes you feel like a brand new person. However, some clothes deserve and have to be washed before being worn.

Swimwear and underwear: 

Unfortunately, like the containers, they also come from warehouses where they are not properly organised and some even lie on the floor without their protective packages. Others come from showrooms/stores where several people before you have tried them on. Imagine putting your body in contact with bacteria and adding to that someone else's hygiene (ouch, that's tricky). It sounds disgusting but it's the truth. Moreover, you know nothing about how clean these people are - that’s why you have to clean them before wearing them. I'm not saying you have to do laundry just for that. You can soak them in water (with soap) for a couple of minutes and then rinse them.

Images from Pinterest

We don't want to get sick or have an infection! Indeed, it's all about being clean and having a healthier lifestyle.


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